Performance Design
'From the House of the Dead', Opera by Leoš Janáček, 2016
A conceptual project for the Donald Gordon Theatre, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff
Director: Polly Graham

Set Design
This design focuses on the idea of the inside and outside spaces related to a prison. The outer structure of the design is derived from the top view of a prison cell. The audience watches the action on stage as if being above the prison, thus being placed in the privileged position of the 'outside'. The staircases inside the structure developed from the idea of tower blocks and how these buildings are used today as prisons. Inspired by Escher's stair drawings and the idea of a nightmare, the tower block staircases create a zigzag pathway which the chorus continuously uses during the three acts.

Vulnerable and young - oversized uniform

Tough, not showing emotions

Shishkov, Alyeya, Goryachnikov [prison uniform], Guard
Costume design
Set in contemporary Russia, the costumes are derived from actual guard and prison uniforms with small differences in each character to match their behaviour and personality.