I am intrigued by empty spaces and their possibilities. I love the challenge of designing to transform a space into a new environment.
Panayiota Koushiappa is a Cypriot Fine Artist and Performance Designer. As a Fine Artist Panayiota's work mainly revolved around the body, personal space and the possible movements within spaces. The work generated is usually based on the artist's understanding of dance and on her reading of the space where she exhibits.
Creating works that assumed a performance background, allowed Panayiota to develop her work even further through performance design and the application of specific themes and concepts. Movement still plays an important part in the design process. Through the use of lines and shapes, the sets create new possible pathways for the performers on stage and challenging visual images for the audience.
MA Design for Performance,
Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, Merit, Cardiff, 2015 – 2017
BA(Hons) Fine Art,
University of Kent, First Class Honours, 2012 - 2015
Design experience
Scenic artist at Skinotechniki Ltd, 2017 - present
Scenic artist, ‘Ballerina’
Etoile Dance Studio
Pattichion Municipal Amphitheatre, Larnaca, Cyprus, 2017
Set designer, ‘At the Beach’
Elsa Souroulla School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance
Theatro Skala, Larnaca, Cyprus, 2017
Set designer, ‘Welcome to my Dreams’,
choreographer Camille Giraudeau
Costume designer, ‘Crossword’,
choreographer Matteo Marfoglia
Alternative Routes, 2016, National Dance Company Wales,
Dance House, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff
Scenic artist, ‘Don Juan comes back from the War’
director Sean Linnen, designer Daniel Parker
Richard Burton Theatre, RWCMD, Cardiff, 2016
Scenic artist, ‘Anything Can Happen!’
director Simon Greiff, designer Lissa Lamona
Sherman Theatre, Cardiff, 2016
Costume assistant, ‘Blue’
director Jude Christian, NEW Season, 2016,
Bute Theatre, RWMCD then Gate Theatre, Notting Hill, London
Design assistant
performances, Etoile Dance Studio, Larnaca, Cyprus 2012-2015
Scenic artist
theatre performances in American Academy Larnaca, Cyprus, 2010-2011
'Urban Emptiness Nicosia'
International group exhibition, Old Nicosia Municipal Market, 2017
'Athens Multimation Metamorphosis #1'
International group exhibition, Romanzo, Athens, 2017
‘Balance 2016’
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Bargehouse OXO tower London, 2016
‘Degree Show 2015 The University of Kent’
University of Kent 3rd Year Fine Art Degree Show, Chatham, Kent, 2015
University of Kent 3rd Year Fine Art Interim Show, Gillingham, Kent, 2014
‘In Media Res’
Atelier Di Pittura, Larnaca, Cyprus, 2014